Not covered by an employee benefit plan? As you may know first-hand, your provincial health insurance only goes so far. It can cost hundreds, even thousands, of dollars out of pocket each year for prescription drugs, dental checkups and more for you and your family. Fortunately, Manulife Financial can help you save on these costs through the affordable Association Health & Dental Plans.
You have 8 plans to choose from, each offering escalating levels of coverage for dental only or a combination of prescription drugs and dental coverage. And all plans include Core Benefits like vision care, massage therapy and hearing aids – all of which are not necessarily covered by your provincial plan.
Take advantage of the Association Health and Dental Plans:
- For prescription drugs, dental and Core Benefits – Choose from the Base Plan, Bronze Plan, Silver Plan or Gold Plan.
- If you don’t require prescription drug coverage, but want dental and Core Benefits – Choose from Base Dental, Bronze Dental, Silver Dental or Gold Dental.
- Acceptance is guaranteed for most plans – The Base Plan requires no medical questionnaire, nor do any of the four Dental plans.
- Preferred rates – Couples and families with three children or more receive special rates.
- Hassle-free claims submission – Unlike many other plans, there is no waiting period before coverage becomes effective. Plus, drug and dental claims can be processed automatically by presenting your benefit card for fast, convenient claims submission.
For more information regarding this plan please contact our Personal Insurance Advisor:
Marisa Prisco
905-847-7474 Ext 227